Why Does My Dog Pee On My Bed? Will You Care To Know?


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Are you annoyed on how much you wake up in the morning with that yellow substance on your sheets and foam? Who wouldn’t be? You must be thinking in your mind “How to stop this?” and “Why does my dog pee on my bed?

It could be frustrating, yet it is not a sign that the dog is doing it because of revenge. Yet, you trust your dog no more. Once you know the reasons for this behavior, you will understand.

Why does my dog pee on my bed?

It’s tiring to wake up in a nice, beautiful morning smelling something stinky beside you. Here are some reasons why your fur baby does such a mischievous thing.

  • Marking of territory

They’re known for doing these types of things. It’s like a girl marking her “you’re mine” message all over her guy. With dogs, they put their urine, also known as their scent. If their scent is to be found on a certain object that means “WARNING: Stay Away! It’s Mine!”’

  • Smells just like pretty you

It smells like you, and that’s why. As you all know, dogs have their own particular scents. They can smell scents of other dogs as well even from far. Having other dogs around is a threat to them.

To keep themselves “safe”, they hide their scents with the dump, blood (other dead things) and pee. Like a kid hiding their plate of veggies under their pillow, they’re hiding their scent in your bed! It’s to make themselves feel a bit safer.

  • Anxiety

Dogs can easily be scared. Thunderstorms, for example, are a common fear. They will look for a safe place to hide. What better place would that be than your bed? Being nervous, he might pee on your bed the next time he sees lightning or hears a thunderstorm.

  • Medical Reasons

There is a sickness that makes a dog pee a lot. They can’t contain it long. Along with it are medications that also causes frequent peeing. If your dog peed on your bed, there’s a big possibility that he will pee on it again.

Old age is also one cause of why dogs can’t hold pee any longer. Their bladder is not functioning well as when they were younger.

  • Hormone Responsive Urinary Incontinence Syndrome

This syndrome is common to middle-aged female dogs. It displays urine dripping. This is not considered as a behavioral problem and in fact, your dog is not aware that she is wetting your bed. This unintentional outflow occurs during sleeping. Typically, your bed sheets are the primary victims.

Consult your vet for any recommendations related to treatment.

Is there a way to stop it?

  • Make sure your dog feels safe while on your bed.

As a dog owner, you would probably know the fears of your dog. If thunderstorms are one of them, make sure he would feel secure when there’s one. Your company will make him safe. Playing with him and feeding him will also divert his attention from anxiety.

Letting them pee on the schedule will be a big help too.

  • Seek Medications.

If you notice that your dog has bladder problems, you can ask the help of the vet for certain medications. The vet can prescribe medicine for anxiety too. It would be easy for you to place ads on the bed in case of accidents.

  • Keep Your place clean.

Clean thoroughly all your dog’s favorite place to pee inside the house. When they can still smell the scent of their urine, they would pee on it again. There are many odor eliminators available on the market. Try using one of them. Make your house smell nice and keep your bed sheets clean.

  • Establish Restrictions.

Pads and belly bands are sometimes too way tedious for you. Prevent your dog from peeing on your bed by restricting him to enter your room. Put a baby gate at the entrance or simply close the door all the time. If your dog is used to sleeping with you at night, provide a bed for him or choose a nice place for him to sleep temporarily.

Whenever you can’t watch out for your dog, it is best to put him in his crate. If it happens so that you catch him in the act, reprimand your dog by making noise that would hold his attention. Let him know that it is not okay. This is a good opportunity to bring him outside to finish his business.

  • Keep Your Dog Busy.

Providing your dog with routine or activities within the day would keep him occupied. His mind will be focused on one thing. Toys and scheduled walks are a good example to keep your dog busy. Never give them a chance to get bored.

Boredom will result in chewing, urinating or any other, damaging behavior.

Work the problem with your dog successfully. If the medicine has been effective, then you can let your dog sleep again with you. But, this does not mean he won’t completely pee on your bed anymore. You need to be prepared for accidents as well.

Complete potty training for your dog would be a great help. Be patient. Learning takes time and does not forget to reward him when you see progress in his behavior. Giving your dog his favorite treat always works.


The truth is, it would be easy to resolve such behavioral problems if you know your dog so well. Allocating bonding time with your dog will allow you to know his common fears and likes. You would be able to observe if he is not in his usual, healthy condition too. Any unusual changes will be acted upon the early possible and will be resolved in no time.

Try to create a close relationship with your fur baby!


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