Happy Dog, Happy Owner – Story of Ba Du


Ba Du is a Chug. I call him like that because his mother is a Chihuahua and his father is a Pug. Ba Du was born on October 26, 2019. He has 4 other siblings, but I couldn’t afford them all so I gave them away after they were about 4 months old and fully vaccinated. Despite of being very sad, but I had no other choice for them to be raised better.

The reason I kept Ba Du was because he seemed like the most stupid dog in the pack. That is also the reason why he is called Ba Du. Ba Du is the name we often call someone stupid in Vietnamese. Ba Du is always the slowest and clumsy dog ​​at meals, he is also the slowest to react in my training sessions. In addition, he sometimes has difficulty breathing like human asthma. Those are the reasons I have kept him until now.

Today, Ba Du has become an adult dog. Even so, he’s still a bit stupid. But that’s also why people love him so much. His stupid actions often bring a lot of joy to us. But sometimes, he also brings us worries. Let me tell you this story. When Ba Du was about 1 year old, suddenly one day he went out of the house from early morning until the next day. My wife and I spent the whole long day looking for him all around our area, but we still couldn’t find him. My wife cried a lot because we thought he was taken by someone. You know, in Vietnam, some people still eat dog meat, and there are bad guys who steal dogs to sell to dog meat restaurants.


Until the next evening, on my way home from work, I suddenly saw a dog like Ba Du lying with another dog under the counter of an ice cream shop about 500m from my house. When I got closer, I realized it was Ba Du. I didn’t seem to believe my eyes. Talking to the owner of the ice cream shop, I figured out that Ba Du had come and stayed there since 2 days ago because he was flirting with a bitch. Then I took him home and my wife cried again with happiness and surprise. Since then, every day I had to take him over to his girlfriend’s house in order for them to have fun together until his girlfriend got pregnant. You know, while waiting for them to mate, I thought Ba Du was smarter than I thought and I looked like an idiot. But no matter what, if he’s happy, I’m happy.


This is me, my wife, Ba Du and his mother.


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