Happy Dog, Happy Owner – Story of Ba Du

Ba Du is a Chug. I call him like that because his mother is a Chihuahua and his father is a Pug. Ba Du...

All About the Bernedoodle: What they are like and How to Care for them!

There are over hundreds of mixed breeds out there, and I say the Bernedoodle is one of the best! Have you ever heard of...

Maltipoo: What They Are and Are They for Me?

The Maltipoo is known to capture hearts once everyone sees them. However, people often mistook them as a purebred Yorkshire terrier, Shih Tzu, or...

Pomsky is The Latest Cute Companion! Who’s With Me?

The Pomsky breed is a huge hit due to its looks. These little cuties are the product of the Pomeranian and Siberian husky. This...

Canine Close-Ups: 9 Tips for Getting the Best Dog Portraits

A glance at the most popular pet Instagram accounts proves that people simply love photos of dogs: Jiff the Pom has 8.2 million followers;...